These are actually a bio-engineered Zebra Daino. Scientist have isolated a florescent gene found in jellyfish and added it to the DNA of the Zebra Daino. This gene gives them the appearance that they are glowing; hence the name GLO-Fish. This florescent look can be achieved by adding bright light sources to the aquarium. Lighting such ass, bright florescent lights or natural sun light.

Just as Zebra Dainos they are vary hardy which are great for aquarium owners that are new to the hobby. They can tolerate a wide variety of water conditions from a pH or 6.0 to 8.0, temperatures of 68°F to 86°F, and water hardness from very soft to very hard.

One major misconception about Glo-Fish are that they glow in the dark. Glo-Fish Do Not glow in the dark, how every under a strong light source their skin will begin to absorb and the readmit light, giving them the appearance that they are glowing. In order to create the appearance that they are glowing in the dark; the use of black light would be best.

At the moment Reliant Aquatics has cataloged 4 strains of Glo-Fish: Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow. Look for these strains at your local fish store.